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  • Map of Violence Cases Against Student Press in Bandung Area 2013-2023

Map of Violence Cases Against Student Press in Bandung Area 2013-2023

In the last ten years, there are 61 violence cases against 19 student press organization (LPM/Persma) recorded in Bandung area.

Penulis Reza Khoerul Iman2 Desember 2023

BandungBergerak.id – Student Journalist become the important part of college life. This organization turns out to be alternative media for university student to speak out critically towards the issue in campus or society. This vital role makes the student press as unique mouthpiece of the movement through its journalistic products.

The total number of student journalist is relatively high which align with the growth of University development in Bandung area that consist of Bandung City, Cimahi City, Bandung Regency, West Bandung Regency, and some parts of Sumedang Regency. The Bandung Student Journalist Communication Forum (FKPMB) has listed 38 student press organization as their part of networking member.

Throughout their journey, this is not an easy thing to do and manage the student journalist organization. They have to deal with huge risk when performing their journalistic works. It is proven that student journalist still experiences violence or repressive action, not only from inside but also outside campus.

In a survey conducted by BandungBergerak.id with several student journalist in May-June 2023 has shown 61 violence cases against 19 student journalist organization. It has various forms, such as news revocation orders to threats of criminal reporting. This survey was conducted through the distribution of online forms and then followed by the offline interview process.

Suaka, the student journalist organization of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, becomes the one with the highest number of cases, consisting five cases. Followed by Aksara (Telkom University) and Jumpa (Pasundan University) which consist four cases of repressive actions for each.

Based on type, verbal violence becomes most common cases consisting of 15 cases followed by the news revocation orders with 14 cases. Intimidation and terror are in the third place with 10 cases.

Based on the perpetrator of repressive action, the campus side such as the officials, the staffs, until student organization are in the first place. The official become the major culprit of violence cases consisting of 9 cases, followed by university student and student organization with 7 cases of each. Moreover, campus’ staff are recorded as culprit for 6 cases of repressive action against student journalist.

Ahmad Fauzan Sazli, The Coordinator of the Labor Advocacy Division of the Bandung Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI), said that there are still other cases that have not been recorded yet. However, he appreciated this recording effort as important thing in a way of mitigation in the near future. Once that must be remembered is obeying the code of ethics in every reportage works.

The first important mitigation is to obey the code of ethics. So, all of you will avoid from criminalization, violence threats, etc. because we have already doing that according to journalistic codes of ethics,” said Fauzan in the Secretariat AJI Bandung, Friday (July 21, 2023).

The Director of Bandung Legal Aid Institute, Lasma Natalia, said that the advocacy step can be a way for student journalist against back the repressive action. However, how far the effectiveness is, depend on victim’s bravery and capacity.

“Again, we will move based on the needs of the victim’s capacity,” stated Lasma, Friday (21/07/23), at LBH Bandung Office.

*This reportage is part of collaborative work between Bandungbergerak.id and six student journalist organization in Bandung area with full support from Jaring Program by PPMN. Translate from this article by Salma Nur Fauziyah.

Editor: Ahmad Fikri

