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  • MOUNTAINS IN GREATER BANDUNG: Mount Puncak Besar, the Tallest Peak in the Malabar Mountains

MOUNTAINS IN GREATER BANDUNG: Mount Puncak Besar, the Tallest Peak in the Malabar Mountains

In Cinyiruan Village which serves as the climbing route to Mount Puncak Besar Malabar has a rich historical heritage and the beauty of nature.

The southern side of Mount Puncak Besar Malabar looks towering when viewed from the Kertamanah tea plantation, Pangalengan, in August 2020. (Photo: Gan-gan Jatnika)

Penulis Gan Gan Jatnika12 Oktober 2023

BandungBergerak.id - The Malabar Mountains can be considered the largest mountain range in the Greater Bandung area. This mountain range has many peaks and mountains within its territory, so it's not surprising that its highest peak is called Puncak Besar Malabar. Puncak means peak, and Besar means large or huge.

Mount Puncak Besar Malabar is a part of the Malabar Mountains. In addition to this mountain, the Malabar Mountains also include other peaks and mountains. There're Mount Puntang, Mount Haruman, Mount Sangar, and Mount Ipis. Even Mount Wayang, Mount Windu, Mount Bedil, and Mount Gambung Sedaningsih are categorized as part of the Malabar Mountains.

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The Toponyms of the Malabar Mountains and Mount Puncak Besar

The toponyms or the origins of the name "Malabar" are quite interesting to explore because there are various versions. Some say that the name "Malabar" was derived from the mountain's large and wide shape. The word "Malabar" is believed to have originated from the word "melebar," which means "to widen".

Another version is related to the myth of Prabu Siliwangi. It is said that Prabu Siliwangi was born here. The word for "born" in the Sundanese language is "babar," so the place of his birth, or "ngababarkeun" in Sundanese, is said to be the origin of the name "Malabar."

Other mentions that the name "Malabar" was adopted from a mountain with the same name in India. It is said that the name "Malabar" was given by the Dutch when they started tea cultivation there. The name "Malabar" was used because the area had similar natural conditions and soil to a mountain in India also named Malabar.

However, this version can be disputed because long before the Dutch arrived, the name Mount Malabar was already mentioned in the writings of Bujangga Manik in the 1500s. In his writings, the prince mentioned:

nyanglandeuh ka Tigal Luar,
ka tukang Bukit Malabar,
kagedeng Bukit Bajoge

It's uncertain whether the name Malabar was indeed adopted from Mount Malabar in India, but it's suggested that the name was given by the Indian predecessors who spread Buddhism or Hinduism.

As for the naming of Mount Puncak Besar, apart from being related to the large size of the mountain area, it is also connected to the Dutch term "groote," meaning big. At that time, several places were given this term, such as the highway built by Daendels, which was named "De Groote Postweg" or the Jalan Raya Pos Besar.

The Malabar Mountains, along with some of its mountains, were seen from the northern side in June 2010. Mount Puncak Besar is the tallest among them. (Photo: Gan Gan Jatnika)
The Malabar Mountains, along with some of its mountains, were seen from the northern side in June 2010. Mount Puncak Besar is the tallest among them. (Photo: Gan Gan Jatnika)

Location and Climbing Access

The Malabar Mountains are located in the southern part of Greater Bandung, specifically in the Pangalengan area. Mount Puncak Besar, as its highest peak, is situated in the administrative region of Margamulya Village, Pangalengan District, Bandung Regency.

The height of Mount Puncak Besar Malabar, according to the Rupa Bumi Indonesia (RBI) map published by the Geospatial Information Agency on map sheet 1208-632 edition I-1999 titled Lebaksari, is 2,341 meters above sea level (masl). However, the commonly known elevation among climbers is 2,343 masl.

Interestingly, on an old map published by the Dutch at the end of the 19th century, the elevation of Mount Puncak Besar Malabar was recorded as 2,342.6 masl.

To reach Mount Puncak Besar Malabar, there are several routes available. Among them are the Curug Panganten route and the Cinyiruan Village route.

The most popular route is the Cinyiruan Village route. Apart from being more convenient for climbers, this route provides a basecamp, making the climbing activities more coordinated and supervised. Additionally, climbers can safely park their vehicles at the base camp.

Cinyiruan Village is easily accessible from the Bandung City. You just need to follow the provincial road to Pangalengan, then at the Kertamanah intersection, near the Pangalengan specialty souvenir shop called Toko Pia Kawitan, you turn left. Then, follow the concrete road until you reach the gate of Cinyiruan Village, which is marked by a football field on the left side of the road.

From Cinyiruan Village, the climbing route to Mount Puncak Besar Malabar is quite clear. As you traverse the tea plantation, you will arrive at a relatively spacious flat area known as Datar Peda. In Datar Peda, climbers can rest or set up tents if they plan to stay overnight.

From Datar Peda, the climb to Mount Puncak Besar takes about 1-2 hours. The peak of the mountain consists of a small open field surrounded by vegetation, rather than a wide-open area with expansive views. This type of peak is suitable for resting and finding peace. The fresh air and the shade provide a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere.

The Pangalengan Mountains can be enjoyed from the integrated tourist area of Cinyiruan Village, Pangalengan, Bandung Regency, in September 2021. (Photo: Gan Gan Jatnika)
The Pangalengan Mountains can be enjoyed from the integrated tourist area of Cinyiruan Village, Pangalengan, Bandung Regency, in September 2021. (Photo: Gan Gan Jatnika)

The Historical Potential of Cinyiruan Village

Cinyiruan Village, located at the foot of Mount Puncak Besar Malabar, serves as the starting point for the climb. Apart from this, the village has many potentials. Administratively located within the Pangalengan District, Bandung Regency, this village has a long history. Other than its excellent economic potential and community resources.

It was in Cinyiruan Village that the first quinine plantation in the archipelago was established in 1855. This is evidenced by the presence of a centenary monument for the Cinyiruan quinine plantation. The monument, built during the same year as the Asia-Africa Conference in Bandung, bears the inscription: "Peringatan 100 tahun berdirinya perkebunan kina P.P.N Cintjiruan, 17 December (1855-1955)" or "Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Cinyiruan Government Cinchona Plantation, December 17 (1855-1955)." The commemorative monument stands in the garden of the Cinyiruan plantation office, which is quite spacious and has been beautifully landscaped with flowers.

In addition to the monument, there is also a bust of a Dutch botanist born in Germany, Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn. He was a doctor who spent a lot of his time exploring the mountains of the Indonesian archipelago. Furthermore, Junghuhn was an expert in tropical climate and plant matters. His significant contributions to the development of plants, especially quinine (cinchona), earned him the title of the "Father of Quinine." During that time, the Bandung region was referred to as the world's quinine capital and the largest quinine producer.

The garden in front of the Cinyiruan plantation office is well-maintained. There are beautifully arranged flowers, some resembling crescent moons, globes, compass directions, and suns. There are also striking yellow flowers known by their scientific name Coreopsis lanceolate, which the locals call "bunga koneng."

There is also a children's playground complete with swings and seesaws. There, you can find a miniature library shaped like a telephone booth, called "Kolecer," short for "kotak literasi cerdas," with a giant book or magazine statue next to it. With an affordable entrance fee of just five thousand rupiahs, this park is quite enticing to visit.

The centenary monument (1855-1955) of the Cinyiruan cinchona plantation and the bust of Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn in the courtyard of the plantation office, September 2021. (Photo: Gan-gan Jatnika)
The centenary monument (1855-1955) of the Cinyiruan cinchona plantation and the bust of Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn in the courtyard of the plantation office, September 2021. (Photo: Gan-gan Jatnika)

The management of the tourist area in Cinyiruan Village is currently carried out through a program called "Sabda Desa Eduwisata." Not far from the Sabda Desa garden, a campsite has been built in the midst of the tea plantations. This campsite is named Chinchona Leisure Camp. From this area, you can enjoy views of the Pangalengan caldera, which resulted from the activities of the ancient Pangalengan volcano. Even on a clear day, Situ Cileunca, one of the icons of South Bandung tourism, especially in Pangalengan, can be seen.

Also, in Cinyiruan Village, there is a house that is a legacy of the Dutch botanist Gerrald Alfred Cup, known by the local residents as Tuan Keup. His tomb is also located there, on a hill surrounded by banyan trees and a cinchona tree. Tuan Keup's house and tomb are not difficult to visit; you can ask local residents for assistance.

Visiting the foothills of Mount Puncak Besar Malabar to enjoy the beauty of nature and the historical significance of the quinine plantations is truly delightful. Moreover, it is relatively close to the city of Bandung. It is indeed an alternative travel destination that is worth considering for people of all ages.

* Translated from this article by Zelika Salsabila Insyra.

Editor: Ahmad Fikri

